TEFL Accreditation |
A TEFL accrediting body can give courses the accreditation and proper respect they deserve. Without accreditation, both the course and the students that successfully complete it will be looked down upon by some. Unfortunately, there are courses that do offer good instruction but lack accreditation. When a student successfully completes one of these courses, if a potential employer looks into the course they completed it will reflect poorly on their employability, which is unfair to the student who invested time and money in the course. Furthermore, it is bad for the course, which will miss out on students.
From A Course Provider’s Perspective
If you are a course provider, your course has to be accredited. Without accreditation, many students will enroll in another course that is accredited. Even if you offer excellent instruction, without a TEFL accrediting body validating the course, it can be difficult for students and employers to gauge the efficacy of the courses you provide. To ensure that your course is respected and the students who complete it can find stable employment, you should pursue accreditation. Although there might be certain aspects of becoming accredited that are difficult, the benefits are immeasurable and will pay off very well over time.
From The Perspective Of A Student
If you are a student trying to decide which course is right for you, be sure to enroll in courses that are properly accredited. Unfortunately, some courses lack accreditation, and even if they seem appealing in other ways (such as being more affordable), if a potential employer sees the course on your resume and looks into the course online, you may be turned down solely because your instruction was not accredited. This can be both a waste of time and money, so be smart and only look for instruction that is approved by a TEFL Accreditation Organisation. If you want to find out whether or not a course is accredited, you can check the status of an organisation online. This way you are protecting your investment of time and money and doing everything you can to ensure your instruction benefits you as much as possible. There are plenty of other things to look for in a course, but this is one of the first things to verify.
Pursue Accreditation Today
If you offer courses that are not accredited, you need to pursue accreditation today. Do not let any more prospective students go somewhere else and give those who complete the course the ability to showcase their instruction properly. Accreditation ensures that your courses meet industry standards and shows students that their needs will be met. If you haven’t already, look into a TEFL accrediting body body today.
Students considering enrollment in the TEFL Institute of Chicago (www.teflinstitute.com) which CLAIMS to be accredited by WTEFLAC should proceed with greatest caution. Careful research on-line will reveal countless negative reviews on this organization. (YELP, www.glassdoor.com, www.goOverseas.com, www.facebook.com/TheTruthAboutTEFLInstitute). Fraudulent business practices are obviously the hallmark of this organization.
ReplyDeleteIndividuals who HAVE been defrauded by TEFL Institute should IMMEDIATELY contact their Credit Card company or issuing bank/credit union and DISPUTE the charges made to one's credit card. The key word is DISPUTE, and it is your legal right. FRAUD or failure to deliver promised services are LEGITIMATE reasons for initiating this FREE dispute resolution process which is guaranteed by Federal Law. While the investigation is underway, charges are reversed in your favour.
DO NOT register or pay money to TEFL Institute without doing your homework. You along with hundreds of students (and dozens of unpaid teachers) will regret your decision!